Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 Reasons to Sculpt Your Executive Resume While Still Employed -

5 Reasons to Sculpt Your Executive Resume While Still Employed - Isnt working on an executive resume such a chore?  Its hard to think of anyone who loves to sit down and write their resume, even if an amazing job is on the line.  Some say this is why its a good idea to work on your resume while you’re still employed.  But thats not the only reason.  Here are five others to consider: 1. You Dont Have to Dig for Information Later Probably the number-one reason to work on your executive resume while you’re still employed is it helps you avoid having to dig for information at a later date.  When pulling together a resume, youre always trying to remember the important things youve accomplished.  But if you keep track of them as you go, you wont have to do the digging later. 2. Sometimes You Forget the Other Things You Do As an executive, you probably have an assistant who keeps track of the projects you take on related to job.  But sometimes, its the smaller aspects (e.g., giving a speech to students through Junior Achievement) that make you the executive you are. Everything you do is important as it makes you well-rounded.  So to make sure you dont forget it all, keep track of it as you go. 3. It Makes Asking for References/Testimonials Easier You probably wouldnt have made it to where you are now without plenty of people speaking on your behalf.  Instead of trying to round up compliments to see who you will ask for a reference or testimonial at a later date, you can keep your e-mails or jot down your voice messages as they arrive and add them to your resume.  This way, when the time comes, you wont be scrambling for this information. 4. It Could Encourage You to Do More on the Job I’m not suggesting that youre not already encouraged to do a great job, but sometimes it takes looking at our accomplishments to relight a dimming flame.  If youve lost some of your inspiration, regularly updating your resume could remind you of why youre great and encourage you do to more at your current employerâ€"or a new one. 5. It Helps You Think of Your Future In the same vein as number four, regularly adding to your resume could help you think about your future.  Sometimes it takes looking at where youve been and currently are to show you where you need to go. Theres really no downside to continuously working on your executive.  So set time out of your busy schedule to make sure youre able to produce the best document possible when you apply for a new position. Global resume authority Jessica Hernandez of is a former HR Manager who partners with professional- and executive-level candidates to create authentic, branded resumes and cover letters.   An international resume columnist and resume expert for JobTalkAmerica radio, her work opens doors to lucrative positions at Fortune 500 companies.

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